Tested Ways To Hack Energy Now In Disruptive Times


Ever wonder how elite athletes gear up to clinch game day victories? They don’t just hope for the best; they rigorously prepare both mind and body to shine under pressure. Running a company might not have you sprinting across tennis courts, but the principle stands: Excellence in your field requires daily rituals to keep you on the cutting edge. Rest assured, your competitors are already on it, investing precious hours to outshine you. It’s time to flip the script with Tony’s proven “Hour of Power” formula—a strategic 60 minutes to architect your ascent to the top.


As the wise Jim Rohn put it, “Don’t wish it was easier. Wish you were better.” Ditch the catch-up game and step into your greatness with:


  • 30 minutes of physical activity: Let sweat be your prelude to breakthroughs, firing up endorphins and priming you for the decisions ahead.
  • 20 minutes of personal growth: Dive into materials that stretch your leadership muscles, embracing insights that catapult you towards your goals.
  •  10 minutes of strategic planning: Sharpen your focus, refine your objectives, and strategize with clarity to navigate away from reactive pitfalls towards proactive victories.


But here’s the kicker: In the spirit of gratitude and growth, I’m inviting you to not just join me but to spread the transformative power of this routine. Share this newsletter with someone who’s aiming for the stars and join our ‘Hour of Power’ challenge. Let’s cultivate a community of achievers who uplift and inspire each other towards unprecedented success.


As a token of appreciation for your relentless pursuit of excellence, I’m offering a complimentary one-hour consultation to kickstart your journey with AirTight routines and rapid results workflows. Together, we’ll leapfrog over the competition.


Are you ready to redefine your limits?

 Accept the challenge, share the inspiration, and let’s collectively elevate to greatness. Your future self will thank you.


Lisa G


P.S. Your feedback is gold! Hit reply to share your thoughts or how we can make this journey even more impactful for you. Let’s make greatness contagious!